Conversations About Foster Care

Episode 5 - The Trauma of Transition

Kurt Sneddon & Marika Aubrey Season 1 Episode 5

Married couple, Marika & Kurt chat about the many perspectives in foster care and the ways we can all do better by our kids

In our first season, we focus on an oft overlooked part of the US Foster Care system - Transitions. 

John & Brian adopted their daughter through foster care, but not before she underwent several transitions - which resulted in ongoing trauma.

Join us for an interview in which John and Brian detail the massive changes their daughter had to process, and speak frankly about how it has impacted their family, other kids, their marriage, and most importantly their daughter.

We also mention towards the end of the episode, a great TV series we appreciated called "The Day I Picked My Parents". Check that out at

Our podcast features music by Chris Haugen "Tupelo Train"
And graphic design by Kenney Ogilvie